How does COVID-19 affect the Film Festival?

In the interest of protecting Bulgarian communities and supporting young filmmakers the Pravets Film Festival will operate for the third year!

We will continue to keep the public updated as we adjust to the uncertainties presented by COVID-19, in accordance with Bulgaria’s public health protocols. As of now, the festival will be hosted in Pravets, Bulgaria on June 11th and a virtual version of the festival will be made available to the international community after the live event.

The registration deadline is April 10th. Film submissions are due May 10th.

Where can I register?

The registration link is HERE. Remember that registration closes on April 10th!

Where do I submit my completed film?

Once you have completed your film, submit it through this LINK. You will be directed to our Film Freeway site, where you can sign up and submit your film!

Who is in charge of all this?

The Pravets Film Festival was created by former Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Shauna Ricketts. The project has continued by Stefka Atanasova. For questions, feel free to contact us at pravetsfilmfestival@gmail.com.

Is a schedule of the festival available?

We will release a detailed schedule of the film festival soon!

We encourage you to contact us with any questions!